Final version of the logo

Upravené: sobota, 22. október 2011

Final version of the logo

During the Comenius meeting in Slovakia in December 2008 the final version of the winning
logo, that was modified according to the agreement, was presented to the 
project partners.In Slovakia, we had T-shirts made in February 2009 and they
were distributed to the teachers and students that participated in the project.


International Logo competition

Upravené: sobota, 22. október 2011
In June the winning Slovak logo was taken to the project meeting in Greece. The participants from Greece, England and Slovakia chose the best logo of all the logos that were brought to Greece.


The Slovak Logo Competition Winner

Upravené: sobota, 22. október 2011

We are pleased to announce that after the  exciting time of voting we have the winner of the Logo Competition. There were altogether six participants in the competition. 



Upravené: sobota, 22. október 2011


At the beginning of April 2008 we announced a competition in designing a logo for T-shirts, that would reflect the idea of the project – cooperation of three European countries – Slovakia, England and Greece. At designing the logo, the students can utilize their knowledge of computer work together with their artistic feeling, or simply their fine art talent.